My Personal Sleep Training Journey with Twins

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An instant connection on a blind date in my late 30’s lead to Mr Right and I purchasing a home together, becoming engaged and deciding to have a baby! It was meant to be!

I was convinced I would have difficulty falling pregnant due to my age, however within a relatively short period of time we were blessed with the news of being pregnant! I was in shock and disbelief yet over the moon we were going to be welcoming our first child together!

I was sent for an ultrasound, where the words “there’s two” were quickly uttered by the sonographer, and that’s when we realised we would in fact be welcoming not only one baby, but fraternal twins!  I could hardly contain my excitement - we were having twins, they both had strong healthy heartbeats and were thriving!  

Eight months later after a trouble free pregnancy we welcomed our beautiful son and daughter into the world and this is where my new role as mother began. Having worked in administration and management for over 20 years meant routine and organisation, so I thought I had this covered. Sadly, I was wrong!

No-one told me my babies would have to “learn to sleep” independently. I did not know what a sleep cycle or a biological sleep window was. What was settling and re-settling? Is it behavioural or is there a justified reason for inability to self settle-resettle? How would I know, I am a first time mum! This was all new to me.  

As the twins got older and started to develop their own sleep patterns it was clear that my son was a textbook perfect sleeper and my daughter was a serial cat-napper who wanted to be rocked or fed to sleep and cried as soon as she was put in her cot. One extreme to the other! It was exhausting and I dreaded nap times and bedtime.  

I searched the internet and purchased a sleep program to guide me in the right direction but I had so many questions and different scenarios running through my head it was a little hard to follow on my own. No-one I knew had twins and most of my friends had grown up children.

My biggest fear being a new mum to twins was having two babies crying in their cots and not knowing how to settle both at once. This did happen, I did cope and we all survived with the help and support of my own sleep consultant. We got through our issues and the twins ended up in a great routine and sleeping well which gave me the much needed opportunity to take a break while they were sleeping. Life was good.

Sleep Consultant for twins Newcastle twins group Snug Bug Sleep Solutions

At 18 months the twins’ usual routine went out the window. It was the middle of winter, I had started a new job, the twins had started daycare “the germ factory”, where we had a constant battle with snot, coughs, temperatures and spots! There were many sleepless nights and eventually we broke the golden rule and the twins ended up in our bed when they woke overnight just to get some much needed sleep. A quick fix at the time but a hard association to break down the track.

Around five months into our co-sleeping quick fix, my partner and I were physically and mentally exhausted and wanted our bed back. Sleep deprivation is real and effects everyone on different levels. I again sought the advice of my sleep consultant. In each and every situation we encountered on the twins’ sleep journey, our sleep consultant knew exactly what to do and had the research, evidence and experience to back up her advice. I was impressed! 

Sleep training can be tough and takes its toll on already sleep deprived parents. There were tears from my babies and there were tears from me but I was there to comfort and support my children every step of the way. The short term pain was worth it in the long run to get our sleep back on track for the wellbeing of our family. Both of my children are excellent sleepers and I am confident in addressing any sleep issues that arise.

Our sleep consultant was there to support us every step of the way and I will forever be grateful for her education, support and guidance during our time together.

The science of sleep and how it all worked fascinated me - and got me thinking... I too could help sleep deprived parents overcome their fears around sleep and help them achieve their personal and family goals, having once been that parent myself! I enrolled in studies with Baby Sleep Consultant and am now proud to say that after completing my studies I am a now certified International Child & Infant Sleep Consultant.

My personal philosophy as a sleep consultant is to provide families with knowledge about the sleep process and help them gain confidence in addressing their family’s sleep issues providing support along the way. Lack of sleep is debilitating and affects our relationships, our partners, our jobs, performance and enjoyment of life. I am passionate about helping others get back on track, just as my sleep consultant did for me.