
Individual Consultations (via Phone, Email & Video)

For children 12 weeks to 5 years of age

Snug Bug Sleep Solutions offers a range of individual consultation options, from free 15 minute discussions, email support & sleep plans, to 60 minute phone consultations. These individual sessions address your little one’s sleep environment, health concerns, age appropriate food and nap routines, overnight, sleep associations, settling techniques, sleep goals and any other questions you may have along the way.

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The best starting point if you are struggling with your little one's sleep and trying to figure out whether sleep training is the right solution for your family.

Schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation and we can briefly discuss your little one’s sleep issues and goals to work towards!

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An email consultant is ideal for those parents who are happy to communicate via email and feel confident implementing suggested routines and strategies with limited email support.

Based on information submitted in your Intake Form, Snug Bug Sleep Solutions will provide a comprehensive sleep plan for your little one addressing sleep environment, health concerns, age appropriate food and nap routines, overnight, sleep associations, settling techniques and sleep goals which you can follow with ease.

All sleep plans provided by Snug Bug Sleep Solutions are accompanied with a Contingency Plan specifically tailored to your child’s individual needs and family circumstances addressing issues which may arise during the sleep training process and how to confidently navigate through any bumps in the road.

This consultation includes one follow up support email.

Consultation and Sleep Plan price is per child. Additional fees apply for multiples and siblings - $75.00 per child.

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A phone or video consult is ideal for parents who prefer a one on one conversation however feel confident to implement suggested routines and strategies without the need for a formal plan or ongoing support.

Consultations are performed through Zoom Teleconference, WhatsApp, Skype or telephone.

Based on information submitted in your Intake Form, Snug Bug Sleep Solutions will provide advice and guidance regarding your little one’s sleep environment, health concerns, age appropriate food and nap routines, overnight, sleep associations, settling techniques, sleep goals and any other issues you may have to help get your little one sleeping as snug as a bug in a rug in no time!

This consultation does not include a tailored sleep plan or any ongoing support.

Consultation price is per child. Additional fees apply for multiples and siblings - $75.00 per child.


The best starting point toward better sleep…

If you are struggling with your little one's sleep and trying to figure out whether sleep training is the right solution for your family, schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation and we can discuss your little one’s sleep issues!

Snug Bug Sleep Solutions will have your little one sleeping as snug as a bug in a rug in no time!